Simple machine-Inclined Plane
I wish you could see the children's faces. They loved this activity!!!!
Balls were dipped in different colors of the rainbow and rolled down incline, landing in container.
This idea (rain gutter) came from Teacher Tom's Blog
Using 6 different colors and strips to make a rainbow.
Symmetry rainbow painting
These are colorful growing orbs from Steve Spangler.
Melted crayon rainbow
Amazing magic milk trick.
Use whole milk, and drops of different color food coloring. Next dip the end of the tooth pic in liquid dish soap. Lastly dip toothpick in milk and watch.
Scientific Explanation-
The dish soap does not mix with the milk. Instead it floats on top and
spreads over the surface. As it spreads, it grabs the food colouring. Soap is a "degreaser" so
the molecules in it are attacking the fat in the milk, causing motion which creates the swirling of
the colors. Where the colors meet, they combine and form new colours.
Rainbow pasta sensory tub
Tactile number recognition
Rainbow Popsicle stick math
Rote counting, rational counting, representing numbers with manipulatives and number recognition.
Rainbow pasta necklaces